Welcome to Swan Family Travel's brief primer for those journeying to Mexico, a country with a rich tapestry of culture, history, and language. Spanish, the official language of Mexico, is a Romance language that evolved from the Latin brought by Roman soldiers and settlers around 2100 years ago. Over centuries, it has absorbed influences from Arabic, indigenous languages, and other European languages to become the vibrant language spoken by millions around the world today.

As you prepare to immerse yourself in Mexico's stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and ancient ruins, getting acquainted with some common Spanish words and phrases will enhance your experience. Here's a guide to help you navigate through greetings, food, transportation, restaurants, and accommodation with ease.


  • Hola (OH-lah) - Hello
  • Buenos días (BWEH-nos DEE-ahs) - Good morning
  • Buenas tardes (BWEH-nas TAR-des) - Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches (BWEH-nas NOH-ches) - Good evening/night
  • ¿Cómo está? (COH-mo es-TAH?) - How are you? (formal)
  • ¿Cómo estás? (COH-mo es-TAS?) - How are you? (informal)
  • Mucho gusto (MOO-choh GOOS-toh) - Nice to meet you


  • Comida (coh-MEE-dah) - Food
  • Agua (AH-gwah) - Water
  • Tacos (TAH-kos) - Tacos
  • ¿Tiene menú vegetariano? (TYEH-neh meh-NOO veh-heh-tah-ree-AH-noh?) - Do you have a vegetarian menu?
  • Cuenta (KWEN-tah) - Check/Bill


  • ¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses? (DOHN-deh es-TAH lah es-tah-see-OHN deh ow-toe-BOO-sehs?) - Where is the bus station?
  • Taxi (TAHK-see) - Taxi
  • Boleto (boh-LEH-toh) - Ticket
  • Aeropuerto (ah-eh-roh-PWER-toh) - Airport

Restaurants and Accommodation

  • Mesero/Mesera (meh-SEH-ro/meh-SEH-rah) - Waiter/Waitress
  • Habitación (ah-bee-ta-SYON) - Room
  • Reservación (rehs-ehr-vah-SYON) - Reservation
  • ¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles? (TYEH-neh ah-bee-ta-SYO-nehs dees-poh-NEE-bless?) - Do you have available rooms?
  • Baño (BAHN-yo) - Bathroom

A few additional tips for your travels:

  • Please and Thank you: Always remember to say "por favor" (por fah-VOR) and "gracias" (GRAH-syas). Politeness goes a long way.
  • Excuse me/Sorry: "Disculpe" (dees-KOOL-peh) can be used to get someone's attention or apologize in mild situations.
  • If you're unsure how to pronounce something, don't hesitate to ask, "¿Cómo se dice esto?" (COH-mo se DEE-se es-TOH?), which means "How do you say this?" Most locals appreciate your effort to speak their language.

Mexico is a country that opens its arms to visitors with warmth and friendliness. Knowing some basic Spanish phrases will not only make your travels smoother but also enrich your interaction with the local people. At Swan Family Travel, we wish you an unforgettable journey filled with adventure, culture, and new friendships. ¡Buen viaje! (Good trip!)